It was Enrique Iglesias I listened to, when I first started listening to English music and my tryst with the singer continues till date. So when it came to chosing his best five, it was pretty much a tough choice. Well, here is how my list goes.
Hero - It had to behero, just for the way his voice takes over. Its quite rare that you literally feel the lyrics and get so absorbed in a song. The visuals added value and its always wonderful to listen to this song.
Could I have this Kiss forever - I, especially liked this song a lot, the duet with Whitney Houston. The song slowly builds up the mood and when it does reach its zenith, its all pleasure for the listener.
Escape - Again, the lyrics, the voice and the beat that goes with the song makes it an obvious choice. The way the song is mixed(rising from a low to high volume) gives it a great feel.
wanna be with you - the beat and the lilting voice of Enrique makes this song very special. You can feel the longing in the voice.
Sad Eyes - This is a favourite of mine, mostly for the lyrics, needless to say about the way Enriques voice just melts into the tune.
Now, not many might like my choices here. I had omitted greatest hits likeBailamos andRhythm Divine. As I had already said, this is a very tough choice. The lyrics, of course are good in most of his songs. I personally feel, Enriques voice is so much special when there is a tinge of sadness. he brings the suffering of the heart into his voice so smoothly, the listener is just spell bound.
Now, your comments are always welcome.