Being an internet addict I have surfed the net tremendously. There are days when I just surf for surfings sake, without any goal in mind. On some such days I have discovered some interesting sites which claim to relieve boredom.(well! some of them were interesting) ill let you be the judge of that. :
A crazy site with crazy ideas and thoughts which surely brought a smile to my face. for eg : Have you ever thought what life would be like if your name was Anonymous? Youd get credit for everything nobody wanted credit for?; or Why is it called a TV set when theres only one? Why are they called goose bumps? Do geese get people bumps?If you stole a pen from a bank then would it still be considered a bank robbery? :
Another crazy site which claims to interpret your dreams. I just went mad here and would type in anything just to see what analysis it gave me. Very funny conclusions, I must say.
My fav so far. It’s a game which I am now hooked on to.The goal of the game is to sell as much lemonade as you can so that you can make the max amt of money within a period of 30 days.The weather plays a very imp part in this as it keeps on changing. Luckily yu are given complete control of factors like pricing , quantity etc so that it can be kept in check. :
Where you can take numerous iq tests, general tests. it calls it self the no 1 destination for self-discovery. Well! I wouldn’t go very deep into the results but it was fun taking some of the tests online. :
read yr fav comics online. This is definetly another fav of mine since I go here even when I am not bored. I also go to the site pretty often to read the latest antics of my fav comic stars.