The difference between Failure and Success is doing a thing a thing ALMOST right and doing a thing EXACTLY right.
There are 5 websites in my opinion that is successful in conveying the message across straight.
The first one is, the website of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on Transcendental Meditation. It is superb. Period. You have to see it to believe it. I guess we can all become Global Citizens and go back to ancient Indian roots( which is the best lifestyle in my opinion)which will do all of us a world of good in this war ridden world.
The second one is I wish I had access to this site when I studied Physics( I hated the subject passionately) in school. Check it out. I have almost started loving physics because of this site.
The third best site is This is the really effective search website as I search a lot!
The fourth best website is I am involved in children education and this site is the coolest site for kids software - kidpix. Though you have to have and know the software(KIDPIX) to enjoy the full benefits of this site.
The fifth best site is This is the website through which I keep in touch with what happens in India and the news is pretty reliable and the offers and transaction time on online shopping( & ordering) are great.