The five best sites are
well this site is one of my favourites
its got each and every thing that a person requires
the chat, the search engine etc..
more over the best thing is that it gives a image search wherein u can search only the images...
what else can u demand even the email size is pretty cool and the auctions, shoppin and the contest corners are equally cool
the all new yahoo is gettin better and better day by day
the chat is geting better the new messenger is cool with its ims which add pleasure to the chatting you can even download more and more ims. the clubs corner is the best..
gettin a bit educational this site is one the best of its kind. u can learn almost any software by reffering the tutorial available on this site. if they r supported with pictures.
if u own a mobile and are willing to pay for the new cool and whacky tunes this is the place u must visit. by a mere cost of Rs. 5/- per tune u can own a good no. of them. Also u can downlad picture images etc.
if u have to something thats the right place..