Hi There.
Being Christmas its nice to get a bit nostalgic isnt it.
Well wondering about the title the song goes like this) Love me or leave me make your choice but believe me I love you I do, I do, I do.
I cant conceal dont you know cant you feel it I love you I do, I do, I do.
A number by ABBAS but its worth to hear again and again.
Well loving my husband the way I do to make him understand me I would have to turn to Robbie Williams and Nicole Kidman and say something stupid like I love u.
The song I know I stand in line until u have the time to spend an evening with me.
Yes well sung by both its worth to hear it again and again if you have a busy hubby.
Then I would love to say(Oh darling will our love grow like an ever green tree stay ever green and young as the season go, your kisses will make love grow like an evergreen tree. By Cliff Richard.
Oldies but goldies I should say are worth a hearing at times.
Theres a number I am very found of it is from a film Dr.Zhivago.
Somewhere where my love there will be songs to sing, all through The snow and to the hope of spring, somewhere my love blossoms will bloom and grow.
Its called The Laras theme.
My last but not the least is words by Boyzone as its only words and words are all I have to take your heart away.
Well I could go on and on but these were my very own favourites hope u like them as well till then bye.
Get back to you sooner then u think.
Bye Sushama.