Going to break this into two sections. that makes it five plus five i.e. 10 drinks
Im an Aquarian and water is my favourite drink by Water does not qualify as a beverage. Everything else does. Viva Water.
- Part 2: The Intoxicating Kind -
: Corona Beer: Its subtle and something that goes with a squeeze of lime. Its a deceptive beast because it lures you into the false security that you can down 10 bottles and walk a straight line. You can. but Corona kicks in at some point of time.
on to.
: Hummer: A white spirit blended with kahlua and vanilla ice cream. aooooww.
and then.
: Pina Colada: It just reminds me of beaches. I love the beach. Every beach that is not spoilt. virgin.
Pina Coladas are a blend of white rum, pineapple juice and coconut milk.
Bahama. Bahama mama
ah yes.
: Vodka: My Poison! Best Mix? Cranberry juice, Ice and a dash of soda:D
: Long Island Iced Tea: A potent blend of vodka, tequilla, rum, gin, triple sec and a dash of coca cola(30ml of each spirit makes this truly potent).
- Part 2: The Sober Kind -
: Green Tea: Its helped me restore some balance in my coke infested system. hot water and a few leaves is all it takes.
: Watermelon Juice: A famous actress once revealed that the secret of her youthful looks despite being over 50, was due to this awesome fruit(the watermelon). Just liquidise and drink.
: Iced Tea: The lipton ice tea vending machine inside the HLL offices rock. everywhere else, its a different mix. NesTea makes a decent drink but its not consistent. I blend my own.
: Blackcurrant Juice: Ribena? yeah. its supposed to be more nutritious than a bunch of grapes. can taste great if blended well.
: Carrot Juice: Not everyones choice but I love it. Even the ones that come in packs rock.
Id have seriously written some story on how these drinks came into my life but I dont have any. they just happened.
glug glug.