E-mail is one of the most essential things in the present
e-world. There are so many free email clients.But you always have to choose the best email clients to assure security, quality of your important emailsIn this review I will write about those email clients which I always use and prefer.
Remember microsoft Outlook is not a free email client.
Microsoft Outlook Express
Microsoft Outlook express is a free email client which is bundled with Microsoft Windows.It has some demanding characteristics. To make Send/receive emails a easy job Microsoft has launched this product.Microsoft Outlook is associated with Hotmail.So it allows the users to send/receive their emails of their hotmail accounts.
The main problem of microsoft Outlook is during low data transmission to send/receive emails is to a himalayan task.The address book allows users to keep their important contacts in it.
Incredimail:-A revolution
I think incredimail is a revolution in the e-world.To look your emails more beautiful incredimail has done a very fair job. By adding animated pictures the emails get life and look incredible. Incrediamail is a free email client which can be downloaded from https://incredimail.com.You can buy its premium version.
Eudora is also a very useful email client. It has also very good features and good number of users.For attachment audio/video eudora is also very useful. There are some problems using Eudora it is also not very user friendly.But
many people use it.It is a popular email client.
Yahoo:-Website: mail.yahoo.com
Like Rediffmail, yahoo is also a reliable and online email client.It is not so fast like rediff but allows users to use BOld, Italic, Underlined, and some Yahoo messenger buddies.It also makes emails attractive.But Now a days I am facing a problem with my yahoo mail account. Too
much bulk mails are coming in my inboxes.This is very irritating.
Netscape Navigator e-mail client
Netscape Navigator e-mail client is the second largest
popular e-mail client.It is a free email cliend bundled
with Netscape Navigator free webBrowsing Software.
This Client has some demanding features.*We know as
a navigating software Netscape is next to Microsoft.
similarly Netscape is the second email client after microsoft
outlook express.
Enjoy Your Experience.