Youre right, this is a funny topic.
but seriously, everybody wants something free - be it the college-going chap who wants the best bike around, the researcher who wants the best tools of his trade... whatever.
my two cents worth in choice of five gifts (i assume, FREE!) - yup, here it is...
the fastest computer ever made - nothing that supercomputes, just a basic blazing speed of light machine, thank you - with the works. multimedia (of course), an internet connection (obviously the best, can these guys manage 10Mbps?), all the software the gifter can afford (and more, come to think of it!), a one-year warranty on the whole lot, a five-year guaranteed free upgrade plan (on both hardware and software, naturally), and all expenses (electricity + maintenance + effort of timepass) paid. in advance.
friends - all smileys. with reason, not dumb smileys. people who have reason to smile, and show it. people who have no anger, nothing to hide, no dark closets. people who give and do not expect to be given. people who take without dark thoughts. people who really forgive and forget. friends. yes, I mean it. good friends.
good earth - no noise-, air-, water-, thought-pollution. give me good air, fresh wet dirt, pure water, silence filled with the sounds that only good old mother nature can truly and completely fill. give me the cleanliness of the neanderthal, with the facilities of our times. for gods sake, give me the sparrow, the squirrel, the ant.
honor - the power to change things to what I truthfully believe is right. the knowledge to understand what is right and what is wrong. the humility to accept my shortcomings. the attitude to praise a friends achievements. and humor to fill in the last interstices.
time - an hour to myself, each day of the year, till I last. to do nothing but to think, to meditate. to enjoy my five free gifts.
there you are - my free gifts, then!
the fastest computer ever made,
good earth,
honor, and finally,
Now, what would I do with all these? I would cultivate thought and peace among friends. enjoy the good earth. use the age-old principles of honor and gentility (i do hope this word is right - doesnt seem to work at this point in time) for all they are worth. and spend some time with myself.
As for the computer - frankly, I believe that this is the only bit of fantasy. wake up, buddy - there is no fastest computer on earth. or I just might spend my time alone with the computer. with the fastest internet connection, wouldnt be very surprising...
pontifical? whatever. enjoy!
ah, and by the way, my birthdays in november. every year.