Well everyone loves to receive GIFTS and I am no different.But for me what makes a gift special is the thought and feelings behind it.you may give a person a very expensive gift but you may give it as a formality.whereas you might pick a very small\cheap gift for someone but your feelings of love and concern behind it will make the person treasure the gift all his life.Giving someone a gift is a way of expressing your love for the person.and I think we should not wait for occasions to give gifts, just pick up anything of the choice of your loved ones and give it to him\her and see how much it makes them happy.I love to give as well as receive gifts.coz it makes me feel happy when you get to know that there are so many people who genuinely care for you.So here I have picked five gifts ild like to receive.
1.FLOWERSCHOCOLATE:Wow. I love flowers, they are so beautiful and bright and just a look at them gives me so much pleasure.Flowers are the sweetest thing God ever made and forgot to put a soul into.I particularly like Roses, Lillies and Gladuli sticks.so giving me these flowers is a certain way to make me happy.I also like to receive chocolates and cookies.but since my teeths are in real bad condition(i have a massive sweet tooth)i have cut down on my intake of chocolates.but nevertheless if someone gives it to me.ill eat it.lol.
2.BOOKS:Since I love reading, presenting me with a book would be a good option.But I just cannot read those complicated, never-ending books.i just dont have the patience to go through them.Moreover I am not a story book reader either.my choice of books is very limited and I mostly enjoy reading books on religion, spirituality and philosophy.so ild like to receive books on them.And whatld make me even more delightedld be a short book on QUOTATIONS.coz I am crazy for them.
3.C.DsCASSETTES:Since music is my absolute passion this would be the best gift for me(though there are hardly any cassettes left in the market to be given to me coz I pick all of them myself).I can listen to anything under the sun and my music tastes varies from hindi film music to ghazals to devotional to english pop music to country music to jazz, trance, rock.so picking up a music album for me should not be a problem.Now-a-days I am collecting RDBs C.Ds so gifting me with one of his cassette or CDld be the best right now.
4.CLOTHES:Well I love clothes but then who doesnt?I literally wait for my Bday and all those marriage and other ceremonies coz that is the time you get those new beautiful clothes.In clothes I particularly like Salwar\kameez and tops\t-shirts and I also have this strange liking for leather jackets and shawls.so ild love if someone gifts me that.I have very simple tastes when it comes to clothes.nothing gawdy or extravagant and yes I pay a lot of attention to colours so anything in BLACK or BLUE is sure to make me happy.
5.JEWELLERY:Well I kind of like artificial jewellery.and surprisingly I am not very fond of gold, silver or diamonds.Infact I am crazy for oxidised black metal jewellery.especially bangles and ear-rings.So thatld be the easiest thing to pick for me.
These are some of the gifts I like to receive but above all these things.the one thing I love to receive the most is good wishes and blessings.its precious and most valuable.A warm genuine good wish is above everything in the world.For me my dayld be made if someone comes up to me with words of appreciation and encouragement and wishes me good in life.thatld be the most valuable gift for me and Ill always cherish it.