I thought about what gifts I might like if I could pick them out.
I know that this topic is 5 Gifts I would like to receive but my gifts are small things and dont cost a penny.
1) A Star to build a dream on.
2) A Sun to make all of my days sunny and bright.
3) A Moonbeam to help me warm at night.
4) A Rainbow to give me hope that everything will be alright.
5) A River to wash away my tears.
6) A Mountain that I can climb and see that everything is possible if I want it to be.
7) A white sandy Beach to walk and pick up sea shells that I can hold to my ear and listen to music that G-D created just for me.
8) One perfect Snow Flake, (no two snow flakes are the same). This Snow Flake is more precious than a diamond
when I can catch in on my tongue.I savor the flavor and I know that it tastes much better than a glass of wine.
9) The Ocean to sleep by and be lulled to sleep at night by the sound of the waves.
10) A Forrest to walk through and discover wonderful things like Lady Bugs and most important a Butterfly because Butterflies are free.
I hope you enjoyed reading about my gifts on the shortest review I have ever written.
To everyone who reads this review I wish you receive the same gifts.