Five Gifts I would Like to recieve .
Well human being is such a cunning creature, that no one can satisfy it. But then if u are talking of gifts then who doesnt like recieving gifts, sepecially when its some special day for you.
Gifts are a way to express your true and genuine feelings for some one you love, you care for, or you want to show the gratitude for him/her.
Well fivr gifts that god should give me.
1) Give me the power to do good to human kind so that I will always be able to help others when they are in need.
2)give me the wepon to destroy corruption and poverty.
3)Give me loads of chocolates so that I can give it to every kid whome I see.
4)Give my friends the patience level to bear me when I am upset and angry.Give them the brains to understand me.
5)Give me a fleet of Black Mercedes Benz