Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh. -W. H. Auden
The sound of laughter has always seemed to me the most civilized music in the universe - Peter Ustinov
At the time of writing this review, from the review number for the latest one, I could say that some 43321 reviews are written. From this, we can fairly say that MS has well over some 36-42K reviews in its store. Out of this, may be some 2000 odd will be humorous ones. It is like finding a needle in haystack to choose the 5 best reviews from this 2000 odd. I have included the reviews I have RRCed so far and those, which really made my laugh to the fullest. I have read some 6000+ reviews so far in MS and these are the crème de la crème, in my opinion.
Without further adieu, let us delve into the list. Shall we?
First one in my list is
“The Dead Smell Yummy!!” about Rajinder Da Dhaba ( by Spookay
This is one of the most funny and humorous reviews I have ever read. Spookay seem to have this eternal sense of humor to imbibe into the review, while reviewing the product at hand. Some of the snippets from this review are
Also, as it is on the main road, many people who prefer to eat in clean surroundings, order the food, and eat it in their cars, parked by the roadside. [Don’t try and run away after eating the food, the light at the crossing after the dhaba is always red when you try this :-)…and no, I haven’t tried this, the Chotu told me when I asked him!!]
This is outside. Inside, is the domain of Rajinder Singh, or Paaji, as he is more popularly known. This dhaba is manned by Paaji and some equally burly brethren. And of course, the ubiquitous Chotus. This creature is an integral part of a dhaba, and never grows up.
I have read quite a few from the supreme spookay but I felt that this one took the cream. Well done Spookay!!
Supreme Spooks!! Continue to be Spookaay and spook us!!
The Next one in my list is couple of equally great ones from ganeshb ( namely
Maa, Main aa raha hun Maa !! & Ten tips while travelling
Ganesh is a writer with some great creativity for humor. I haven’t read a serious one from him yet. You always tend to do a ROFL after reading his reviews.
Impact on Bollywood
That if Mukesh Ambani wanted to sponsor a scene in a movie showing his product (as is the current craze now, eg. Paas Paas in Yaadein), he would have opted for a remake of Deewar, where Amitabh during the concluding phases of the movie comes to the temple, to meet is moma dear. The scene would be shot thus: Amitabh despite being bruised manages to reach the Temple earlier than his moma. Seeing that his Mom is not there, he painfully lifts a Reliance Mobile from his suit & Says Maa ! Main aa gaya. Aap Kahan hain Maa. (Mukesh! Don’t Cry. What an emotional scene. CUT!)
Ten tips while traveling
When its dinner time, take out a huge 3 tier lunch box, & dozens of fruits from your bag. Place them palatably around you. Tell your fellow passengers that its your FAST today. Even before they can react, continue ’’In my religion, during a FAST, you are supposed to eat all your fave dishes, but not share it with anybody’’. If somebody asks you ’’Which Religion?’’ - Let out a word which you have often struggled to pronounce all thru your life, with the liberty that you can pronounce it the way you want it. In between, also flinch one or two bites of what the others are eating, claiming that ’’Those are my fave dishes too, & my Religion insists that I MUST eat them, otherwise it would amount to insulting the food’’.
Ganesh Bhai, continue to enthrall us!!
Next one is from everyone’s favorite Premjit . His quipping about Main Prem Ki Diwani Hoon “A Disorienting, Mind-Corroding Nightmare” is a laugh riot. He has made the systematic analogy of MPKDH with a lot of genre of movies. This has made me laugh so much that I have read it quite a few times. See, all the read by numbers are largely due to me.
A Snippet
~~~ MPKDH is an Alien Invasion Movie !
# A ghoulish, bejeweled blind man - a result of a multiple cross-fertilization between Bappi Lahiri, Ravindra Jain, & Adnan Sami.
# An affliction called Vrajesh Hirji, straight from Pluto.
Like in an Alien Invasion movies the aliens serve no other purpose than create a pesky nuisance, ditto these guys.
Premjit, the master of Bollywood Ripping, hope to see more of this fun!
Next one on my list is from a fairly new member who wrote somewhat of an outstanding review about a forgettable movie. This review titled Beware about Khwahish by iamaru (
This review is a simple laugh-riot where he draws an analogy with the classic “Love Story”. Some Snippets from his masterful review.
Reaching home, after watching the movie, I hit to my bookshelf and pulled out my copy of the book to browse through it. Then I feared the possibility of the faces in Khwahish springing to life in my mind’s eye, as I turn the pages of the book, spoil the sheer relish of reading and re-reading such a beautiful book. Better sense prevailed. Reason, as they say, soon regained its rightful throne and I replaced the book in its original place. Probably I shall not touch it for quite a good while from now, until the painful movie fades away from my memory. I shall allow time, the great healer; take its course to help me forget.
Arvind, that was a masterful review. Hope to see more of it!!
Finally how could a list be complete without the man with Queen’s Englishs review being included? He seems to have taken a stand to write funny reviews of late. His wit and humor can be read in his latest review.
I am talking about Bheja Fry (Nimboo Maarke) by Tongue_in_cheek Jaal - The Trap
Some snippets from his review
(Continued in comments!!)