Mouthshut is a site where people can express their views on diferent products and write whatever is in their hearts, I checked the ids and profiles of many ms writers and so wanted to write on five ids which I found the most interesting.
Coming straight to the topic..the following are the 5 most interesting ids I think are
*matwala Boy : a cool ID ...matwala means the one who cares only for himself ..matlabi guy..a lovely proflie with awesome a happy life with his wife...but he looks humble and intelligent.He is someone I really admire here in Matwala your just too sweeeet..but I dont think you write reviews here at mouthshut any more plzz do write.
psyxx : A strange id ...but the reviews are just out of the world, i really would love to know him personally, a cute hunk really made me hot with desires..oh I did not know there are such hunks here.
evil_beauty : She is ivery evil and her reviews prove it..writes so beautifully well that she cant be banned from here..and some guys just So craZy and shower her with compliments.Although I think as she is younger to me she may be appealing but check me out guys, i think I can perform better in the nude.
thakurman : I like this id..thakur and then man lol..what an id!! but his reviews are cool especially the 1st date experience one..i think he should write one on 1st sex experience.
johnny bravo : in his pic we can only see his one eyes..but he looks so handsome I wish u post a pic with your whole body I mean full face...your too handsome I love you...ajaa janeman.
There are many other interecting ids in ms but cant name all.
Love to all....mrs.kapoor*