Staying in Delhi and possibility of relating myself to the book, was one of the 1st reasons tempted me to read this book..!! also I must confess more than the quality & content the PR of the book needs accolades!!
The book does speak a lot about IIT-D and stuff like sassi ke parathe, the terrace which is just so perfect where you could just get drunk and cud afford to be a fellow tripper..!!
if you ask few IITians..they cud easily relate to getting drunk before their vivas or falling in for ANY woman (thnx to the rarity of them there)..who is okay enugh & seen in the campus..!! (Perfect)
the book is a light reading and good entertainment to keep you engrossed for a day or two at max !!
if you liked Rang de basanti (1st half) college stuff, you wud like this book too!!
Chetan Bhagat is indeed quite an amateur writer..n the reason for his books (2nd just PATHETIC) to be soo popular beats me completely!!!