Five days to my exams.... im sitting and studying math....
my friend calls me up and tells me hes been reading a book all day...
Me : D uh.. ive been doing the same thing..........
my friend : of course but ive been reading a novel
me : you alright man?.. we got exams you know.. and youre the topper you gotta
rep to maintain
my friend : you check this out man... even you will not put this book this book down
Curious to know how captivating the book really is I went down to Bangalore book Shop in malleshwaram, bangalore and bought a copy for myself
And would you believe it I was glued to the book page one thru 270
this is one book that can tell every reader the same story and have a different effect on each one of them... and is like no book ive ever read....
the book of course says WHAT NOT TO DO AT IIT .. but I believe its like a checklist that tells you what all you ought to do (my personal opinion of course)
its a scintillating story of three guys who become friends day one during the ragging session, move thru a lot of shit(pardon the slang) which of course they bring upon themselves......
man on the college roof... banging your HODs daughter ... trying to steal the final exam paper from your HODs office . .. and getting caught doing the same.... now this is a book you shouldnt miss......