Finally I laid my hands on this book, that I have been wanting to read for some time. It was my third trip to my favourite bookstore. Last two times I had to come back empty handed because . yes you guessed right. sold out.
Right from the first page, the book starts engrossing you. You feel like that you are watching and not reading the happenings. Three new entrants to the great institute called IIT.The first day at the hostel that would actually form the strong foundation on which the friendship of Hari, Ryan and Alok will be built.
Being an mechanical engineer myself(no. not from IIT. frankly could not get into it, gave up after two tries) I could easily relate to first scene of ragging. Come on yaar. all engineers go through that grind. As the story unfolds, you see how these three friends get sucked into the competitive rush for the grades, but end up being five point someones after the first semester.
You see a budding romance between Hari and Neha, the daughter of Prof Cherian, HOD Mech engg dept. The mere name of Cherian brings memories of HOD of my college.
You see a budding friendship between the three characters. How a guy like Alok, who knows that he needs good grades so that he can take care of his family, agrees to go and steal the paper from the HODs cabin in night, just because his friends are going.
You see how a guy like Ryan, who is very intelligent, pretends that he does not love his parents, but still reads all their letters over and over again.
You see how a guy like Hari, who always looks upto Ryan, goes and actually writes a letter to Ryans parents, on Ryans behalf, without his knowledge.
You see those witty one liners. Especially when Hari throws a cushion in a playful mood at Neha and Neha says, careful I have the covers. Hari thinks. handpainted covers? how can girls waste their time in these boring pursuits, our cushions dont have covers even.
You see brilliant ideas from Ryan . like making a lipstick holder at the machine lab as a gift from Hari to Neha, like Taking Hari to Nehas house at 12 in night on her birthday, climbing up the roof and entering her room, so that Hari can be the first one to wish her.Like that battery operated car jack, which the professor shoots down.
In all the book is amazing. Takes you back to your college days. Very Frankly when I was reading the book, I was down with a fever. My wife had to actually snatch it from me, so that I could take some rest. but I was not able to sleep. so when I realised that my wife was in a deep sleep . I got up and finished the book.
If you have not read this book, go ahead and BUY IT NOW. and yes please buy the original . Chetan Bhagat(the author) should get his royalaties for giving us this wonderful book.