Hi folks,
I generally dont write reviews here but this one is special. Actully by mistake I wrote a comment in the review section. The way in which I wrote was no at all a review, but it was a misplaced comment. Since then I have recieved a few complaints regarding this which were absolutely correct. So I thought, why not write a review on this book called Five point something.
Ok let me tell you, if you are an IITian then you will definetly find many things in the book as if they were taken from your own life. Even if you are not, then also all those college going 20 something people will find that its all been a part of there life too. Lets talk serious stuff. This book try to put forward one basic fact, that what happens when winners lose. The plot revolves around three characters and through them try to shatter many myths about IITs, like all IITians are neards n geeks, they only study, they dont have social life, they cant have girlfriends etc. Myself being an IITian, I have seen very closely, what is the general perception of people about IITians is. The book also makes an attempt to make people realise, what really is our Indian education system. Even in the best institutes like IITs, a lot of people follow textbook approach, rather than doing and thinking innovative.
This book is a good fiction, and although author has tried to present fiction as facts, at some places the book becomes too unrealistic in the IIT culture. For example the fact that one of our guy loves a proffessers daughter and even succeed to make love with her in her home is far away from reality. Every IITian know that he can mess up with anyone in his life, but cant afford to mess up with a prof. In IIT system profs have enough power to make or break ones career( specially breaking if not making). So no on tries to mess up with profs. Other things like boozing, smoking joints, bunking classes are a reality, but again trying to steal question papers is too much an exaggeration to handel.
Before gettings into IIT almost every one is a topper of his class, school etc. But IIT is truely a great levaler. You actully learn here that other guys are smart too, and you just cant underestimate anyone. Also as depicted in the book, male bonding is really a part of IIT culture, as there are very few females here.
All in all its a nice fiction book, gives you some idea of IIT culture, and definetly tell you some of the things that you should not do at IIT, unless you want to screw yourself.