Five Worst Bikes Review
Every year, the Indian market sees a number of new bikes released. And every year, it also sees at least an equal number which are terrible. Below are mentioned the 5 worst bikes ever in India over the past ten years:
Bajaj Discover DTSi: Overall a terrible bike produced to dupe genuine buyers of their hard earned money, the Discover DTSi is a terrible bike in all departments except looks. The engine which is a retuned version of the Wind 125(which was good in that version) leaves much to be desired. Coupled with a horrible gearbox, this bike can be a nightmare to ride. The alloy wheels supplied just about serve the purpose. The poor electrical and cabling give a terrible finish and the headlamp power at night is too low to justfiy its size. Coupled with Bajaj’s famous false mileage claims, it will not be long before this bike bites the dust. In any case, few Bajaj bikes have actually run successfully for more than 2 years.
Bajaj Platina: The much awaited successor to the "famed" CT100(on its way out), the Bajaj Platina looks like an oversized toy from the Bajaj stable. Known ONLY for its mileage, the Platina has absolutely no other pros. A terrible combination of the Wind 125 looks with the CT 100 chassis, the Platina’s sales in major cities are hardly compatible with the advertising craze from Bajaj. The parts utilized are imported from China(which is fine) and they are highlighted by the fact that the odometer/speedometer sprocket is made of plastic! I mean how cheap can Bajaj get to reduce its market price? Poor build quality coupled with false mileage claims(108 kmpl!) and terrible customer relationship managers will sound the death knell for this pathetic vehicle called the Bajaj Platina
Yamaha YD 125: Introduced at the wrong time to the Indian market with a good engine and false mileage cliams, the YD 125 has long been out of the reckoning. Agreed the engine is good and still used but thats about it. The build quality was cheap and terrible. And the ride.A bullock cart would have better suspension that the YD. The looks were below average at that time, coupling the ancient rajdoot looks to a so called modern bike. Overall this bike hardly sold and was phased out as fast at its introduction.
Hero Honda CD Joy/Dawn: Hero Honda was riding on its success of the splendor and cd 100. So it decided to upgrade the looks of the CD 100 to try and boost sales. Result? A total drop in its sales and a boost in the sales of the splendor! Yes, the Joy/Dawn is a decent bike no doubt, but it was a non-starter right from its inception. soon after its inception it was rebadged and then discontinued. Nto surprising as one cannot rest on ones laurels forever.
TVS Centra: Postitively the worst bike ever produced in the 100cc segment. TVS motors totally duped the gullible buyers of this bike with false mileage claims of upto 146 kmpl! With hardly any power to speak of, the less said about the mileage the better. JUst 50 kmpl! Add to that skinny, poor quality tires and you have the skids galore! Pathetic bike. Pathetic marketing. Justified FLOP.