Today I am going to tell you about those cars which does not worth your money by features and maintenence amount. The first car is "tata indica vista" which does not give you guarentee on highway to go long. The second car is "chevrolet tavera" which does not provide you comfort at rear seat no rear ac vent feels hot in summers. The third one is "fiat linea" which provides takes very high amount from your pocket on the name of maintenance. The second last car is "maruti suzuki nexa scross" the appearence of this car is worst and does not give the feel for which you had paid a lot. The last and the biggest loser in Indian market is "Force one SUV" which does not provide you any thing related to technology as they provide an engine of mercedes the "2.2 fmtech" which was not in use by mercedes from last 15 years and donot have anything special in it.