Every company, every work environment, every place in world is based on vested interests of persons under whom you work.(You can just check in your existing work culture, you will find same thing which you faced in your previous company.)
Every company conditions you from all dimensions. You need to be careful and alert. Most people especially unmarried fall in trap of fake friendship offering from their seniors.(There are always exception where one is lucky to get to work under honest and genuine leaders/seniors.)
If you are skilled and talented, no body treats you as human being but as working machine using which someone can fulfill their interests. you are a mean.
some of things I never do in work environment(you can think over it, dont make any hurry to accept them.)
never involve in any kind of friendship with seniors or work colleague(Or you will be carried away in emotions and have to favor someone because of friendship.)(You need to think who can be your friend. not everyone can be friend. Todays friend is tomorrows enemy)
be connected with your work than involving in any politics.(Or you will end up in nowhere position)
never ever allow anyone to know about your person details. keep your personal secrets intact.(Or you can be exploited)
Strictly say no to work colleague when they try to involve in personal matter.
say no to inventory-office work In other words, never work on anything which isnt meant for your. Dare to leave company if such is the case.
There are thing which you can do in work environment.
Elevate colleagues under you and make best effort to groom them.
never tolerate any wrong happening to your colleague.
you can grow only when you let other grow(Or you will shrink and becomes more and more "closed" inside.)
I would like to add more points here whenever I get time. I would also like if you have some thing to share.