Shreesant for sure should get the trophy as WORST Cricketer in this period of time".
> Ill mannered and mentally imbalanced
> Showing animated gestures (like monkey
> Appealing like a ferocious dog
> Crying and weeping (on field) like some one took his toy train
> Very emotional
> Fighting with his own team-mate
> Inappropriate behavior gesture towards batsmen
> Worst public image, loud party in calm apartment.
> Two cases of road rage cases in Bangalore (Bangalore Police commissioner had written to BCCI regarding Shreesant behavior)
> Party animal, does all sorts of stupid things.
> And today he got lashed out by some actress called Daisy Boppanna, she said most insignificant cricketer
I fail to understand how this kid was brought up, has he grown up? Is just pace and wicket taking ability give a crying baby like Shreesant a passport to International cricket ? I think BCCI should screen cricketers mental balance and behavior and see that only gentlemen play this sport.