Normally people say to other people looks ain’t everything, but in bollywood for actress’s looks had to be 70 percent important because normally the actresses are made to look good with the guy. The girl has to look good in a bollywood film because most likely come on that is what they are used for “looking good”. I will give you a few examples of actresses that I think are ugly in my view, so please girls don’t get insulted about what I am about to say, I am sure all you girls at mouth shut are very good looking, unless you become an actress one day, then that means I will be keeping a close eye on you.
Number 5 is a place that this actress should be pleased of getting because many people still think of her as number 1, but please don’t be disappointed people as to why she ain’t number one, Because yes I still think she looks like something that came out a blender that just doesn’t look right.
Yes I can not stand this girl, there is a reason why she is number 5 she does only have one good quality about her and that is her figure, Yes her body in the song Tauba Tauba is amazing but otherwise its her face that makes me want to forward the movie most of the time, its okay to have an ugly face and being able to act, But Esha Deol can not act at all! In the film Kaal those tigers had more face expressions then she did on her face, and yes when she shouted in the film it was so fake. Now don’t get me started on Dus! Her hair do was disgusting and her nose looked like the shape of the 7 star hotel in Dubai, This was her with make up seeing her with out make up would only just make you faint god knows how she is Hema ji daughter, I guess she looks more like her dad with a wig. I think I can say her mother looks much more better then her evan tho she is older, Esha deol well done you ruined my day when I saw Kaal because of you I am sure audience walked out the film. I heard someone scream at the back in the cinema hall during kaal and no they were not scared or nothing I think they just saw Esha deols face! Karan Johar you marked your words correct Kaal was the scariest film of the year thanks to Esha deol.
You might think what can get worse then ESHA DEOL, I will tell you what can get as worse as her, many might not agree but here it goes.
- Rekha (how she looks now)
Rekha use to look so good before, and after watching her films I can say she better retire because she looks so awful she trys to act young, when in fact she is not young at all, she is fat and she wears a lot of make up I am guessing she uses a roller to hide the wrinkles (which by the way can still be seen). She has a horrible mole or if you call it that a “Beauty spot” on her face which looks so dirty. Sorry Rekha sit at home and dream about Amit Ji because that is your only job, retire please!
- Soha Ali Khan
She looks horrible, her nose is very bent and I can not stand her, she can not act to save her life! Her smile is even weird she looks nothing like her mother she looks like salf ali khan with a wig and a lot of make up! I think she should start job haunting because becoming an actress is not for her.
Quick Quick get this girl a protein shake, Wait don’t give her no food at all for 2 days straight wait that will not help, it will take so much years for this girl to lose weight.
How the hell did she get into films I have no idea at all, I think she must have sat on the director each time and force them to give her a film, the director normally would take revenge on making a crap film and making her star in it like jaani Dushman and Kyo ke mein joohth nahi bhol tha, which should be rename as “kyo ke mein gym nahi jahtha” she is wearing short skirts in that film so we can see her giant ape legs which cover most of the screen in the first place, also govinda is meant to be fat but next to Ramba..govinda looks like a child. Her face is so chubby that all I can see is her checks popping out and nothing else, Hmm Face expressions while she acts hmmm, I wouldn’t know her fat chubby checks cover it so I can not see nothing.
Now the number 1 place would go to this girl which I can not stand, she can not act, dance, she looks like a cow, her face is annoying, her voice is annoying and she quite frankly sucks!
Before she use to look okay, like in the Mohra days with Akshay Kumar, When I mean Okay I mean “OKAY” now she is over weight, her voice is annoying she can not act and please people if you call Daman acting then I have no words for you. If you don’t agree with me that’s okay I respect what you like. But I can not stand her she has huge chuncky arms and after watching police force, I was wondering how could she ever enter bollywood, too much make up, too much fat (where it should not be) also lots of people know she looks fat and she still dresses like she is young and looks good, she is also old and her acting is very rusty! Her films are all flops and no one ever watches her films!
Well that is my top 5, I want to say this don’t rate my review bad because of my list rate it if you find it very useful or not, this is something I wrote and its for you to find out how useful you find it, don’t go all mad and rate this review so bad if I put your favourite actress down, its all about if this review was useful to you! I am sorry if my review was a little rude but I wanted to diss a few people today and her it is!