I keep wondering at times why isnt there an Oscar for good luck charm actor? An actor whose acting can become so much of a propellant that it launches 100 shit(s) oh no! Ships. Remember how many hit movies Alok Nath acted in? Remember how many heroes and villains and heroines and you-know-whats his movies launched. How many paupers his movies launched? How many rags-to-riches and riches-to-rags his movies launched? Have you seen a single actor who has so pure a tooth that scientists of the world would love to have a new colour namesAlok Nath White? Have you seen anything of a beauty as close to his terrific smile? Can anyone else deliver the scenes with so much of a monotonous modulations? How can you ever forget that he was the father er. grand father. er. mamaji. er. chachaji. er. samdhanji. er.( I am running out of titles) of Indian television. How can you title his movies as in MOVIES. They are all classics. They become classics only because of the caliber of acting he brings in. OK, without further adieu I shall name them for you.
Hum Aapke Hain Kaun(HAHK)
Wow. What a wedding? Dont you think this is the funniest wedding you and I ever saw? Who was the sole reason for the success for the wedding? Who was the guiding force of all the actors? Who made this movie a success? Dont you love Alok Naths smiles in a Sherwani and traditional aamchi-gujarati dresses? Dont you still think he was at his best?
Maine Pyar Kiya(MPK)
Wow. This was a predecessor to HAHK. What a movie this is too. Same wordings as above. No questions asked. He was the sole reason for MPKs success. End of Story.
AN Nahin saamne to alok nath hain. What a film this is? He is a folk music teacher in HP and who teaches all cultural values to his kids and one of them fulfills loves call. He goes to Mumbai to see his rich samdhis and gets humiliated. Soon transforms to a rich father of a great star. blah. blah.
This was just a typical movie of great Alok Nath ji
Mujhe Kuch Kehna hai.
Have you forgotten this hit movie lauched Tusshaar kkkkkapoor and kkkkkkkareena kkkkkapoor( Ektaji happy, please dont kkkkkill me now) and was asuper hit in their parlance(taking to consideration tusshars hits)?
Haatim Taai.
This is the best movie in Indian history. Period. Who made it so. Alok Nath. Period. What people? dont you think so.
Other Gems in his career are Na Tum Jaano Na Hum, Jeena Sirf Merre Liye, Bol Radha Bol, Hum Saath Satth hain(We are 14!), Zamaane Se Kya Darna etc etc.
Ok Samdhis how was his 5 best movies. Wait a minute, the title says worst. hehehehe. Whatever it isbest ya worst. sab baghwan ka den hain. read and comment.