First of all I am decating this review to Cousin2.....
The first name is also cousin2.......why
She is hardworking and writes aloong good pathetic review.......I wonder how ppl ever get to understand any review....her views are marginlised by her own creativity ......and she goes abt ranting abt other writers.........high praise for oneself is not sooo good
The 2second name is..........SonaAnus
Can someone call a doctor she needs help........why her english have even left my frens dumbfounded.........she writes a helping lot of review to untrained fool who think she is a worldly dark queen
The third is Canifilmunude.............
God pls help me ban ppl from this site its too dumb wif this kind of ppl............Can any body be worse than this....Yeeeeks...........kook ..............kang
taking a deep breath
The fourth is sourrays..
His whole review is a big funny joke poke at all ms members since he has a very good habits at writing so he writes for the sake of writing.........pls give us more fun in ur reviews
I would say diver he is tha father of all of this ppl, plus all of them together and you get diver