I have been watching all the hulla-bulla going on in the site for the past 20 months almost. I have watched some of the reviewers and their actions very closely(but not always, but whenever time permits). I came up with the list of the worst ones on Mouthshut and the reasons for the same. Some of them do write zestful reviews sometime but not always.
There is no question about it when it comes to who is the worst reviewer on this site as a contrary/antipodal fact to answer?Premjit?, who is the best reviewer on this site. Here is a reviewer who was kicked out of the star-writer status, rightfully so. He is one of the worst and highly biased/prejudiced writer in Mouthshut. . Reasons for why he is a bad reviewer are due to following facts.
He is one of the greatest fake-masters in this site and he bashes himself in the fake-master list of his reviews. Have you forgotten PresidentOfUs etc?
He logs in to the site daily and reads reviews anonymously and rates in a nepotistic manner.:-) He wants to be visible in the?Hall of Fame? daily(due to collection of points due to 170 odd junk reviews)
His fashion is uncontrollable outburst in a kiddish manner. Thinking he is self-righteous, he gets into confrontation with everyone.
He thinks he is owner of the site and wants only the people he likes on this site. Everyone else needs to be out.
I am so great and self-righteous attitude
Well, well, some things are better not said.
Coming to positive side of it(He has plus sides too)
He does have a sense of humour. But sarcasm is at the best
He tactfully brings out the extreme views when he sides on a topic prejudicially.
He definitely is a good writer when it comes to books
He writes from his personal experiences some times, (Read his how to control anger review.:-))
What he needs to do?
Be proactive in rating, reviewing and commenting on all members like one of his favourites Cousin2.
Not get into mudslinging every bad day he has in office.(Remember his tango with LoWOiL?
Doctorji? Beauty doctorji
He is in the favourite list of many and Suyog has tactfully brought out his name in his reviews?The classifieds? which you can see at the bottom. Richi, Saniya, Jabeen, Satis etc etc are all his ids only and everyone knows about it.
His advices on the health front are OK but not have the highest caliber one would expect from a star doctor. He needs to write more often on the health issues and throw light on many of the members
Vivekananda B. Prabhu
He is one of the most prejudiced writers on this site, just like Suyog. He is not a star-writer any more. He is an average writer. He has a sense of humor. That?s all, he does not come close to Premjit or Madlalya or Venchasa or even JilMil when it comes to great writing. He is also one of the fake masters mentioned in the Suyog?s review. He is not writing anymore since he was out of the league. He writes with some great detail. Funny thing is that he confronted a great writer in Karana23 once and gave him suggestions. He needs suggestions from others to continue writing in a senseful manner.
His reviews
Are sometimes written to gain popularity
Goes with popular traits and makes him look like a publicity monger
I am so great and self-righteous attitude
On the other side,
He is one of the very few writers knowing few different languages including Sanskrit.
He wrote some great reviews filled with comedy in the near past
Here is a weblog from him
Though I did decide to to leave MS & talked to couple of friends, still havent been able to convince me to say the final good-bye.
May be I am still nostalgic about the good old days. or feel myself still away from the goals which brought me to MS - to improve written English, develop a good style of writing & help others by writing about my main forte - Computers & Internet. Guess I lost sense of direction somewhere in the middle & started concentrating more on Bollywood(Hindi) movies.
So bye-bye to funny & humorous reviews. esp. Bollywood ones! And a new start with serious, brief, concise & to the point Technical Reviews!
Planning a drastic reductions in RRCing( Read/Rate/Comment) on others reviews & show some stinginess in answering public comments. Direct E-mails will be answered with full respect!
When it comes to enthusiasm and dedication, there is no one like cousin2. She is the best. Every one knows it and that?s why she is at the top of the list in hall-of-fame, just ahead of king Premjit. Why she is a bad writer then? Huh?
She writes totally uncorrelated topics in a very boring manner, many times. She loses the audience at the end of the review
She writes on a monotonous fashion, just for the sake of writing
Her reviews lack sense of humor
Some of the stands she takes are biased
Most of the time she does not read a review fully but just comments after rating it
Why is she adored?
She is undeniably the top writer when it comes to number of reviews
No of people she is trusted by
No of readings of her reviews.
What she needs to do?
DO some more homework before writing reviews
Add some comical and personal touches
Write from the heart
Treat all topics as fair and equal
Minimal words reviewers
There are so many to list here. They come and go. Some of them were star writers after they straightened their acts. Some of the writers write just for the heck of it to add points to their portfolio.
The Others
Some of the other writers in consideration while writing this review are
Prof BB Mohanty
Any Comments?