Please dont be startled after reading the title of this review and think that someone( read I) have voted for myself in this review for the Five Worst Reveiwers on MouthShut. This is my first brush with MouthShut( read MS from now on), and perhaps these are the first few words I am penning here.
I was lonely and idle at work. Almost all my work is done, and before I could go in deep slumber sitting at my workstation( the aftermath of which, you all can easily guess), I was introduced to this site.
Wait! Hold on! Lemme remind myself that I am a critic here, just like most of you, who would chance upon this piece of writing.
I am sure, if anyone would even attempt rating this Review, I am surely headed for numerousUseless clicks. Coming to the point, I am not anyone to rate anyone on the reviews they give. However, I have something to add here. No one is a bad writer and good writers seldom realise this latent quality in oneself. Lest the angels have sung praises for you in your ears! So, essentially speaking this site(MS) is an open forum where bad and good are both welcome.
I came to know about MS at a signal, when I was waiting in Q behind an autorikshaw which sported an ad of MS. That is how I came to know about it.
Coming back to the Reviewers here! It is personal preference and choice which might differ from person to person. An all time rule is that anywhere, not just here, timewasters are indeed not welcome anywhere. However, they arrive everywhere uninvited. So much so, that despite voting against them, they would still be there. Guess its time we start using a bad-reviewer-repellant on each site to shoo them away.
As I come to end this review, a thought of fear has struck me too. May be I would turn numb soon after you spray the repellant.