I dislike this topic as much as I dislike theI dont trust list.
So why am I writing about it? To tell you that I dont like the topic or the distrust list.
I read a few reviews on this topic, that named members of MouthShut. My name was not on any of them, so I felt I had to defend their good names, and wonderful writing.
The five worst writers on MouthShut:
I get upset when I see one member posting more than one review a day. It takes so much time to read them, and it is hard to write more than a few good reviews a day. I was one of these people once, until a wise man told me, Write one or two good reviews, and spend the rest of the time reading and rating other members reviews.
I get upset when I see members rating a short review low. This is a consumer based site, and a review, is a members opinion. If I can understand what that member wrote, why cant you? Short reviews dont make a person a terrible writer. If they can get across their message in a few paragraphs, they should look for a job as an editor, because thats what an editor does.
I find most of the new members, think MouthShut is a place that they can write. The dont understand one thing about how important it is to read and rate other members reviews. The sad thing about this paragraph, is that many of them will never see it!
I dont like revenge raters. The write terrible reviews, that havent been spell checked, or use English properly. When you rate their reviews, honestly, they rate your review as SH or NH. If you continue to rate them honestly, then they put you on their distrust list.
I get upset when a member rates your review low, and doesnt leave a comment telling you why. Some times these are members who dont write reviews. Why doesnt MouthShut make a rule that a member must write one review a month? I have someone who wrote on review, two years ago. I rated it MH. He didnt rate any of my reviews but put me on his distrust list. I believe when you rate someone’s review, its comment courtesy to rate one of theirs back. I also think that MouthShut should make a member tell you why you were added to their distrust list. In fact I wish that list was gone.
My Conclusion:
I didnt single out any person, because I dont believe in using a name, in a review, unless its in a positive way. I know if any of the members I described read this review, they will know who they are.
I have written Aarti Kapoor, asking her to remove the distrust list. Her first reply was, The Board members will discuss this. After MouthShut was re-designed, and the list was still there, I wrote her again, and she replied, We decided to leave it there. It is an important part of MS. I dont think it is. If you dont think so either, I hope you email her. In fact I hope her in box is filled will e-mails from you.
Thank you for reading my review.