My first week on MS and I read about 120 reviews. Most of them were third rate stuff. I read a few good ones but they were nit too few compared to the rubbish classics written by them all. Then I come across this category that said 5 worst reviewers and jumped on to write on this. Its just a reminder to all those boasting writers that you are not really that good as you assume to be.
crimemastergogo - mr gogo loves movie bashing. Thats what he has done since centuries. Man u should go get a life. Most of your review are stereotype and yet you get comments. Mr gogo, if you dont like something why write about it. The worst was the shahrukh khan review. It was so boring that I slept midway. Then woke up and remembered I missed my train to meerut. thats what your review did to me. Here is a great advice, quit writing and concentrate on your studies.
cousin2 - This woman has written 400 reviews. And I see her comments in literally every review on mouthshut. She has time and more time. Her reviews are simple crap and what is all this about fake commenting. So many reviews u hardly read but still comment. If anyone writes a review on papaya jelly under a wrong topic of toyota cars, she would say wow! I love these cars. Thats a lovely review on cars.
criticalanalysis - This man writes loves to write on topics that are out dated. He loves something that is not in vogue at all. First he wrote about an unknown movie called chasme buddoor followed up with angoor, ashoka, masoom and what all not. Why would someone interested in all that outdated crap. I hope you have more contructive things to do in life. And then your music reviews. Who cares about what you like man.
koshish - she is a star writer and her reviews are no less than just scribbles. She has something in mind and scribbles them off. She cannot tell the difference between a good movie from a bad one. Hey koshish , you have to do more koshish.
karana23 - what does he write about? anyone got an idea? his picks are great. But a simple thing cannot be twisted and tangled and then presented. His vocab is above any average reader. Is it just boasting that you own an oxford dictionary? well I got a webster too. But I keep that away while I write. I write what is in my mind.