Yup…can you believe it, out of the so called 90, 000 or so members only about 35 guys and gals had the guts to pick this topic and review it.
Some took the liberty of naming names and some took a very diplomatic way to write a review….I choose to the diplomatic way….coz don’t get wrong, I am not afraid of calling a spade a spade and naming names.
But the truth is I don’t care enough….enough to sit up and take notice of the bad writers here. More so , I don’t care enough to remember their bloody name..... their ID..... how many comments they wrote...... who they bent over and tried to S*crew . blah blah blah.
I do however have the time and care enough to read, rate and comment on the people I like, whose writing I admire, but to list the top 5 out of them is also hard…so I stay away….
But then again, how far do you think Angel’s can behave…..they have to spread their wings and take a nasty swipe on the world around….NASTY Angel…..almost like Spiderman and Venom…..Ok not really…I don’t think I am that Bad…..
So if you are looking for a full blown controversy, STOP! go get happy clicking on the back button; why not have a party and click the close button.
There are no names here! But there are TYPES….if you care enough…leave names in the comment section….I wonder if anyone will do that!
Ok here goes!
THE PEEISSERS You know the type, show up once a while, write on a topic, show up on some unsuspecting review(s), Mark their territory on the comment section and expect everybody, specially the original reviewer to acknowledge that the great mighty one is here…..and also crib and B*itch if no one pays attention to their review
These kinds of reviewers have known to be really good at one thing… create a big stink, soil the Grounds of MS and then expect people to roll and take in the Bloody stench they call a review!!!...Next
The GARBAGE PICKERS – These are only reviewers in their own mind. For all that they do is pick stuff from one place and manage to paste it in another…..A lot of the clever ones will actually take things from various places and put them in one place…creating the illusion of an Original review……their nemesis….GOOGLE….lol
There are two types in this kind too !! There are External Garbage pickers and the Internal Garbage pickers. The Externals are those who take stuff from External sources, other websites, other reviews on external sites…etc….most Garbage Pickers are of this kind
But then you have the Internal Garbage pickers….they take things from other reviews in MS and post it as their review….there can be only two possible reasons for these people to do so…
They are extremely lazy (not too bad…)They are Freaking DUMB (idiots!)...Next!
THE MAGGOTS – These are a bunch that mange to create quite a storm…u know why, coz for the parasites they are, they will usually target one or two members, pick up fights, S*HIT all over the other persons comment page and leave a foul taste in everyone’s mouth! …buaaacckkkkk
Some members though, enjoy the maggots, they think they are delicacies…they love them and will play along with them, caressing their mushy minds, till the maggot turns around and craps on them….and then my friends the Maggot has found a new target….. Next!!
DIABETES WHOLESALERS – These are reviewers who don’t have the bloody Gullies (hahahahahahhahaa) to say anything to anyone!...Their reviews are usually very Pink Candy if not neutral, coz there P*ssies cannot pick up their nerve and write a negative toned review
The same goes with the their rating and comments, VUs and OHmygodursosweet are their standard operating practices. For god’s sake….get the Blls to click on the blody NU button, if you really think the review deserves it!...Next!USELESS FREAKS These reviewers, don’t know head or tails about the topic..but will blabber on and on and on….by the time the poor reader gets thru the review….he she will end up with an strong urge to seek and destroy..whoever that may be.
These reviewers also tend to write multiple reviews on the same day…one boring useless review after another! I wish that there was a culling program…atleast that way I will not have to step thru GALLONS of Cr*p to get to the good reviews :)...Yawnnnnnn
Well that is my 5 Worst reviewers…By the way…know anyone who fits the above profiles …Do you have it in you to NAME names???