There is this girl called Amrita who has really written some obnoxious reviews..
why she needs to write is still a mystery and her state of mind is a challenge to the best psychiatrists..
The worst thing about her reviews is that she doesnt care about real facts and she doesnt respect people which definitely seems to have come out of her own serious lack of self-respect.. since mouthshut is anonymous you can expect to find disturbed people like this talk nonsense that they definitely dare not talk in person without getting in serious physical danger ( well, she insults people on the basis on the language they speak, if you dont believe me you can check her review on bangalore)...
Mouthshut has always been very intolerant to people who use expletives but I was shocked that they featured her as one of the star writers some time back.. I think they select this based on the number of responses each review gets and she does get, most of it asking her to just shut up and go rant someplace else.. mouthshut should start considering peoples ratings of reviews and not just the number of responses as they cannot possibly ban these kind of insensitive people.. or can they?