I Won the prize machine, new prizes, but click on our sponsors for a year & you still wont win anything. The under 10.00 prizes are a headphone radio, a wallet, a cd case. All these items can be bought cheaper at a Walmart than the shipping they want us to pay. Skip this site.
Multikredits this site never paid anyone just kept telling anyone that tried to cash in that they were cheaters. Glad to see this site gone now.
Student I have emailed this site several times and never got an answer. I was close to cashing up but gave up when the site never changed over a period of 3 months.
Funbug I enjoyed playing there slot games, but they didnt pay & we will probably never see the certs that are owed to tons of people.
Beenz is a dying site that you cant find any points for anymore. Too bad because I really enjoyed the little pop up that gave the points.