Me -> I had placed an order(Order #1200034853) on Flaberry website on Friday(Feb 14) and made an online payment. The payment included extra charges of Rs 100 for Date of Delivery - Feb 14, 2015. Also, got a confirmation email. However, the order was not completed and nobody even called me that the order is cancelled / cant deliver / or any update.
This is really frustrating for me and unprofessional that this thing happened and that on valentines day. I had to rush for some outlet and arranged something on the last moment.
I think I have wasted my time and money.
Reply from Flaberry -> We regret for the inconvenience caused to you. We have checked the details with the store and would like to inform you that your order is delivered to the recipients and will share the POD shortly with you.
Me -> You have confirmed that my order was completed. However, you received my email(complaint) because the order was not delivered to the recipient(my wife). I was waiting for the delivery that entire day and nobody called me or my wife for the address confirmation.
I will wait for the POD details and do send me the details of the store/person who delivered the flowers. Also, do send the address details on which the order was delivered along with the date/time.
Reply from Flaberry -> We regret for the inconvenience caused to you. We have check the details with the store and want to inform you that the as your product was not delivered to you so we have initiate the refund for the whole amount and you will get the same in your respective bank account within 7-10 B days.
I posted my comments on their website under that product and hope they show it.