A second ago I have reviewed snapdeal and I feel to confident that to write the reality.
So now starting from the begging is that really good to by products for ecommerce. Yes true but errors1
- its all the time I have seen flipkart the number 1 but what happnes if time is worng for them. Lets began now
# bad poor management
# dont know how to talk
Really for a side if you thinks that that is but there are many diswantage of flipkart turely bad packing. BPut the only good thing about this site is timely dlivery to the attendent
The site is too slow to work too much bugs and spreadwers to can damage the pc overoll better than snapdeal but poor then AMAZONE. So for all the thme you thinks why I really say amazone amzone is good bezause they . really do so well hard work to get successed . The only thing that flipkart is best that they diliver the products on dime as mentioned. Byond than that they are pattery much meaning less