Hey friends im very happy to purchase for flipkart besace of its services it take some time for delivered but not like others online shoping wesite.
flipkart is very useful and easy to use .there are many category product are available in huge amount . if you worried about product then relaxed they are trusted wesite and there is the options of(COD) cash on delivery its very good . I have checked many of the wesite there is no cash on delivery options . flipkart offer you many categorys many brand which you dont know earlier . if we talk about the price of product there many product available with the tag of lakh and many are in hundred .flipkart always try to available various brands product with various tag price low to high so every one can buy the product in there buget .
I have great experience from this wesite . I have purchase many things from it like phone,
t shirt, pants, cosmetic many more . best thing is customer satisfaction, if we dont satisfied with there delivered product then we can change it or refund money they can accepted your
every decision.