Flipkart is the most popular online shopping app and you can buy any product in this app, like electronic, fashion product, home appliances, beauty product, mobile& tablet, watches, books etc, anything you can buy in this app. Next month( 12/3/2016) I was buy a sonata companys watch in rupees 1500rs.
First I open the app and I search sonata companys watch, then I chose a watch and ordered this watch first he showed me flipkart did not eligible cash on delivery in this location please order through your credit card or master card then I was submitted my master card and I was buy this watch. He showed me your order to delivery between 12/6/2016 to 18/3/2016.
But he did not send my order in this day, I was received my order in this date 21/3/2016, really their delivering time is too late. I opened my order for see my watch and you cant believe he send to me other watch and it watch is looking so cheap and old and this watch price is only 320rs flipkart was cheat me. Flipkarts all products price is very high from other online shopping apps, Its really wrong, you cant sell any products in high price from his original rates and You cant believe it There workers are very irresponsible. There costumer service is worst. Then I had return this watch and I never buying any thing in this app. And I have recommended everyone please be careful on every online shopping apps.