My first instance of shopping online with Flipkart turns out to be ridiculous enough to make sure that there is no second instance.I placed an order for Corsair DDR3 2 GB Laptop RAM (CMSO2GX3M1A1333C9) on the 14th of November and made the payment online. (Order No : OD21114212413 - Order placed on : 14 November 2012, 9:51 PM - Payment Status : Payment Received).
I was told that the product will be shipped in 3 to 4 working days. Tracked the order online and the product was shipped on the 17th of November. Kept tracking the delivery on the link for AFL Couriers. They do have the Tracking number and the status on which hasnt changed since the 18th of November. {Status : Arrival at Delivery Facility (Pick up date : 18/11/2012)}
I waited with the same status till the 25th of November when I finally sent an email to Flipkart addressing that the product was shipped but not delivered yet. Flipkart was courteous enough to reply within an hour to wait till the 28th of Nov and that they will call me incase the deliver was not done explaining the reason for Delay. I still bought their word for it.
I finally call their customer service departmant in the late evening of the 27th of Nov and got to speak to a monotonous and lifeless person by the name of Emanuel. When Explained the situation, his rebuttal was that the matter has already been escalated basis my email on the 25th of Nov and that if I cannot wait for the product further, I can cancel the order. Now thats some after sales service we have here and that too before the product has even reached me.
If I cancel the order, the amount that I have paid will be refunded to me only after 8 - 10 business days according to Emanuel. I can very well decipher the time that its going to take for me to receive my own money back from Flipkart. However, I havent cancelled my order yet and am going to wait till the 30th of this month, beyond which chains of Escalations will be triggered.Its gonna be fun.