I purchased around 10 items from Flip kart & I have started believing that their Sellers are selling 2nd hand electronics, or Quality Check failed electronics Online.
For e.g.
a. Bought a Transcend 1TB HDD for 5 K & it failed in 2 months
b. Bought an INTEX cola phone & it started showing its flaws
c. Bought Plantronics Voyager headset & its battery use to discharge in 2 hrs although it should work for 7 hours
d. Microsoft wireless Keyboard/mouse - The mouse had a problem just within 2-3 months
e. Nokia Asha - It had to be replaced with another one in 2-3 months
The reason people buy online is they have no time, however Flipkart is ensuring they spend double the time following up & traveling to Service Centers. Caution - Spend time in Local outlets to buy electronics rather than Flipkart