Buying something from flipkart. Com has become a trust to me. They provide better packaging, good product quality and best delivery service. It is easy to replace items as the company is so much supportive towards its customers. Unless buying things from amazon. Com or snapdeal that is why I always give priority to flipkart. Once I ordered a back pannel for my lumia 520 but that didnt match to my mobile. So I decided to return it to flipkart and take my money and buy it from local market. When I conveyed this to flipkart executive that how I will get my money back they told me that either the amount will be credited to your bank account or to your flipkart account ( as flipkart money) . I was really in need of money that time although that was a little amount ( Rs. 300 around) . So I thought it would be better if I get the money in my hands. But I was in a panic for giving my bank details to flipkart. So I chatted with their customer supportive regarding this matter. They made me understand about the whole process that how my money will be credited to my account safely. His behaviour and helping words moved me in a great extent. My doubt was clear and without thinking I just provided my bank details. I got my money within 2 to 3 days. It was a nice experience. I was really thankful to flipjart. Apart from that other things that I ordered were extremely good in quality. Flipkart, no doubt, is customer friendly. I just love to buy things from it.
I am providing my proof of the chat with the flipkart customer care executive. So friends buy things from flipkart. Com and dont be afraid of paying your valuable pennies.
Thank you.