Recently I purchased a microwave oven from flipkart.
Ordering process was quite simple(guess e-commerce people know best how intuitive a "buy" process must be so that customers can really place order)
The next day of placing order, got a mail asking for delivery time. confirmed it that night and second day I got phone call confirming the delivery, and on 3rd day the oven delivered! 2 business days in all.(i stay quite close to the Flipkart delivery center BTW)
On 4th day I also got a call from the oven company asking the location for installation and demo. I had installed it ourselves as I am comfortable with it. The service Rep came same day and demoed it as well.
One of the hitch I noticed on Flipkart is that the product description is copied from the manufacturer and depending upon the "flourish" of the manufacturer, the description of product varies making comparisons tad difficult.
sometimes, any mistakes in product description at manufacturers website get copied as well (not that I expect Flipkart to be more accurate than manufacturer) to be fair to them there is a button for reporting error.
Overall a very pleasant shopping experience.
Hope Flipkart evolves into an Amazon.