I booked an order on, 1st April, with the understanding that: the same would be delivered, within 21 days. Its one week, so far, so I understand that I cannot expect delivery. However, there are few things, which makes me wonder: if I have made a prudent choice, ; in putting my faith on them.
Ive previously ordered books, from Indiaplaza.in, & have had a good experience. Based on my experince with them, I had a few basic expectations of an online shopping site. Howevr, Ive been disappointed, on the following issues:
There was no email/sms confirmation for my order.
No specific delivery expectation was set.
I have written to their customer care, without any response from them.
It is perhaps to early for me to form an opinion of them, but my initial experience is disappointing. It also makes me wonder about the numerable positive reviews the site has received!
Updated on 14/4/2009
Theyre totally rubbish & I seriously doubt the veracity of the reviews posted here. called them up twice & they confirmed that the book will get delivered yesterday(Monday). Nothing happened!
Updated on 16/4/2009
Called them 5 times. The book it seems is still on its way. I havent seen it though.
Updated on 17/4/2009
finally theyve canceled the order. Im waiting for the refund.
Updated on 19/4/2009
refund received. Ive place another order, lets see how it goes this time around. The one improvement is that ive received an confirmation email for the order.
Updated on 23/4/2009
3 days delivery was promised. So far the site shows that the same has been shipped. Expecting delivery tomorrow.
Surprise! Books delivered in good condition on 23/4/2009.