This was my third order, and I am really, really disappointed by the poor show of Flipcart. My last two orders almost year and a half back were delivered as promised, But the situation has become really bad. The latest order was that of a refrigerator.We placed an order three weeks back after 4 working days, we were told the product has gone out of stock. There after we ordered another one... same case after 5 days we were told the same old story, with lots of sorries and excuses.
We went ahead and ordered the third time a new refrigerator which was confirmed as available at destined warehouse and to no surprise, today after 3 working days I am told that its not available.I am writing this out of frustration.The thing is that Flipcart has spread its wings way beyond its capabilities.... and henceforth the reason for the customers sufferings. Well not so long ago they reached great heights.... just by there performance.
I guess the top management needs to pull up their socks or else, wont take long before some other company races past them.