I had ordered SD card( Order Id: OD10920180798) but had to cancel next day when I was told that one I ordered wont suit the need. I was assured while cancelling that product has been cancelled and will take 5 working days to refund(card payment).
Despite cancellation they went ahead and sent the product( I have called them up at each step when I got alert via SMS/email to inform that no need to deliver as I have cancelled the order) but finally I had SMS informing product will be delivered and I begged them not to send but they said I should send back the delivery person without taking delivery of the product.
As I was out of station and delivery address is of office, security guys took delivery. On calling flipkart customer support they said I have to wait for reverse pick up and only once the product is received back they will be able to refund. Now it’s 4 days since I am asking for reverse pickup and no one has turned up.
I wont be ordering again from Flipkart because of their faulty customer support and bad backend integration.
To those who think of still using flipkart( or similar online store) some suggestion
1. 1. Do lot of deliberation before ordering as cancellation is not worth your time
2. 2. Select Cash on Delivery
UP UPDATE 5:17PM: Reverse Pickup done. Now waiting for refund