Flipcart is home shopping shop from where we can purchase things on seeing the different varieties available in the market whenever there is available to you. This is so easy method
that you can get the opinion of the other members of the family who at home. The items purchased on home shopping are as worth as purchased from the shop. I have come to know that few organisation connected with this work are not good, whether they may be
courier service or others, they do not supply the goods but some thing else in place of goods purchased. I suggest that the courier should allow them open the packet before payment. I have also a good experience that my daughter gave an order of purchasing a ladies suit worth Rs. 500/- after receiving the packet he noted that suit is not as good as she was hoping. She immediately gave massage on phone the article received, the suit was taken back and the money was credit to her account on receiving the articles purchased. So in my view it is good shopping way to purchase at you