By now, Ive bought about 10 products from flipkart. delivery is amazingly quick (4.5 on 5), its efficient, they keep you updated (3 on 5), products are well-packaged (3.5 on 5), customer support is good (2.5 on 5). overall I love the website and yeah they have added umpteen products lately, it includes bubble baths, which I found so hard to find in India.
I couldnt order it unfortunately though. anyway, I love the store, its the best out there. whatever Ive to get, Id buy it from there but yeah there was a time when we ordered something and didnt get in for a fortnight (15 days)! we called em up, they said oops the product is out of stock, but its stated on site its available.
After stretching the mess for longer, they said ok, you gotta order something else, we dont got this one, and we cant get it from where we usually do so that was a bad experience, but it happened once, the rest of the times, product is delivered commendably fast and intact. Im in love with this