I have recently suffered bad experienced from Flipkart. Flipkart provide fake product… Most of product duplicate …i ordered JBL J22 earphone and it is 1250 rupees product but I get other JBL Earphone and it price is N 100-150 in real market….when I know it is duplicate product then I contect to flipkart axicutive and I ask for warrenty they called me don’t know about warrenty … Does not mention in product specification ….before delevery they told me JBL compony provide 1 year warrenty for this product… Dnd you can use warrenty at any JBL store in india…. After delevered they don’t know about warrenty… Flipkart axhicutive gives wrong information to me and flipkart makes frod with us…. I recommaned everyone to Never order any product from flipkart … and ever