I have been purchasing on flipkart since last two years, from the 30day return policy to the 30day replacement policy, from the 3day standard delivery to the 2weeks standard delivery. I live in Bangalore the very place flipkart has main presence and iam still waiting for that two weeks delivery product . Which happens to be a phone and not a rarely used products that take time to procure.
What happened to ecommerce website is baffling and not at all praisable. Every business likes to touch new heights . I just guess this company wants to reach new lows . They cancel products these days even without notice just cause we got a good deal.for reference just check quora. They no longer give refunds if the product is faulty just replacement even after 2 or 3 replacements and the customer is unhappy. Their services have begun to deteriorate on daily basis. Costumer service are just people who can speak English and not understand english