Flipkart is a excellent online shopping site, today I will explain you about why you must prefer flipkart more than other online shopping sites. Many people think what are the difference between Amazon and Flipkart. So, let me tell you first thing Flipkart gives more discount as compared to Amazon, second thing you can get more exchange offer it means that Flipkart provides exchange on more products as compared to Amazon, third thing is that it is same on the exchange offer the main benefit of Flipkart is the the exchange offer is on the more places as compared to Amazon as you can see sometimes when there is am exchange offer on the amazon but when you set your pincode it says that exchange is no available in your location but this problem is not with the Flipkart, Forth thing Flipkart is more reachable than Amazon, fifth thing the Flipkart have more Varieties of product as compared to Amazon. So, I think that this five points can help you a lot to choose which is better.