The Bansals started Flipkart with only one thing in mind. Selling goods to customer at best prices and customer satisfaction. I have been shopping at Flipkart for more than 3 years now.
Countless products & reviews on Flipkart later I am writing my experience here:
A year ago Flipkart used the Amazon model of delivery. They stocked up their own inventory and sold accordingly. This ensured beset prices and retained quality & refund policies were top notch.
I am proud to say that this model was the best for them. This helped grow their customer base manifold.
Then came Snapdeal. Which had the eBay model of online sellers & buyers. This model generated a lot of money & best prices were replaced by cheap prices. Also Snapdeal became just a medium of exchange and had no guarantee for the products.
But the concept grew fast. It was only a matter of time before Flipkart had to do something drastic. And it did by changing its delivery model.
It has been a bad journey since then. Customers are now having mixed feeling in buying from Flipkart. The products now are getting delayed in deliveries and sometimes the quality is not worth the money.
But still my money is on Flipkart. They have turned around once. But they have the potential to streamline this new model and get back the customers they have lost.