Dear Citizens
It is our duty to give information about the Good and BAD. This way we can improve our nation.
Today I am writing Worst Negative Feedback on
A Fraud Done By Flipkart.
A True Face of Customer Care
A Reality of Flipkart Managers
Before you think anything. You must know I am just a common Indian customer. And I am writing this Feedback after crying for Help for more than 10 times from Flipkart Customer Care. Pathetic Flipkart Supervisors. Worst Managers of Flipkart.
OVERALL. They did Fraud by violating Indian Government Rules of selling product.
NOT only that even after knowing about the issue, they are DARINGLY doing Fraud without any kind of fear of Indian LAW.
Their Managers believe our Indian LAW is so weak that they should not fear about any fraud.
Even after giving them warning REPEATEDLY did Fraud and also NOT resolve the issue.
HERE what is the issues you can face by purchasing from Flipkart.
READ this before you purchase anything. After reading this you will also know disadvantages of Flipkart
Last few digits of order number masked to avoid spam.
I can even place this in front of judicial system of INDIA. So, that much TRUE is my feedback.
And Important point to NOTE. Flipkart always play with tax authorities and consumer department saying Flipkart is market place wherein there are many sellers through out the India sell.
I would have not taken this seriously But, here biggest of the Big fraud from Flipkart. A item purchase from Flipkart own seller WS Retail Services Pvt. Ltd.
This seller, WS Retail said to be Indians biggest SELLER is direct seller/ partner of the Flipkart.
It does not mean being BIG, they can play with poor Indians. They should get punished irrespective of how billionaire they are.
HERE is the issue:
Order ID: OD10220651639534xxxx
Product: Netis WF2419 N300 Wireless Router
I purchase brand new NETIS branded router with 3 years warranty. But, this router stop working after few days use. So, as usual tried to contact Netis customer care.
Their given information on Router box
And after many efforts one person lift the phone and says this is wrong number. I got suspicious that a company which is listing number on the Indian website and also on the box of the router said to be another / wrong number.
So, tried many days finding for SERVICE CENTER. But, could not find one.
Also reported to Flipkart but, negligence staff asked to contact SERVICE Center.
But, after many efforts find information about Head office of Netis and informed them about the issue.
First as a fraud Netis try to ignore the case. When demanded that I will lodge a case.
They said SERVICE CENTER is not available in India
HERE Biggest question. A Biggest Ecommerce Seller of India. WS Retail - HOW can they sell the product saying 3 years Indian warranty when Service Center is not available in India?
If it is small seller we can understand but, Biggest SELLER making billions in India. And lakhs of products are being sold. DID a Fraud.
Anyhow as a seller. As per the Netis information they asked me to contact Flipkart( Seller) for return.
So, contacted Flipkart and provided complete information.
This time they cannot avoid from case since as a expert customer having all information. I have provided them complete information and this time they cannot say me to contact Service center.
So, they simply took my complaint and send canned response that we will get back to you.
But, as usual they simply ignored. Again I contacted them through 1800 number. They gave me assurance it will resolve in 24 hours.
Again I contacted like this. Just goes ON.
Finally I got very irate and connected with Supervisors. Managers etc
So, 3 times I was giving FAKE information. NOT just by customer care but, Supervisors. Managers from escalation department.
On the call they promised me they will resolve the issue by 10th Oct, 2015
But, end of the they, this proved FAKE information.
Again I called. Again they told they will contact again at any cost.
But, did not contact.
Again I contacted and this time very frustrated and ask for manager. I was told they will resolve the issue BY the end of the day by 6 PM on 12th Oct, 2015
NEVER resolved the issue.
I will also copy and paste the email received from Flipkart through email as well.
( Ive notified your concern to our team and I make sure that your issue is resolved by October 12, 2015.
You have my assurance that we’ll have your issue resolved at the earliest.
I request your kind patience in this regard.
Veeresh L)
Check another email
Thank you for taking your time to write to us.
I offer my sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused.
Ive notified your concern to our team and I make sure that your issue is resolved by October 12, 2015.
You have my assurance that we’ll have your issue resolved at the earliest.
I request your kind patience in this regard.
Pawan Deshpande
Check one more response.
( Hello,
Order ID: OD10220651639534xxxx
Product: Netis WF2419 N300 Wireless Router
Thank you for writing in and notifying us.
First of all, I humbly request you to accept our apology for the inconvenience caused to you due to this.
Please be informed that, Ive escalated your issue to our concern team and for your reference I have also notified my superior as well and they will do all the needful for you.
You have my assurance that we’ll have your issue resolved in the best possible way. I assure you, this will be resolved October 12, 2015(06:00 PM).
I request your kind patience in this regard.
Sachin S)
This is apart from promised made by managers on CALLS.
They says they are biggest site in India. But, it does not matter here.
Here for me they are BIGGEST CHEATERS.
Flipkart is the BIGGEST FRAUD company.
A company with the help of WS Retail as biggest seller. SELLING Lakhs of products and making crores everyday. And when you check in detail YOU will find HOW GAMBLING is going on 24/7 in India.
One company making billions that many people know. But, making billions in the FRAUD manner that many does not know. They simply check Internet. For the product and purchase it.
PLEASE I request you to forward this TRUE story to everyone. Facebook. Twitter. Media and everyone.
I can even prove this case in front of any court of India. That much true story it is.
WELL educated customer like me can suffer from this Flipkart Fraud. Then imagine a situation of new customers. Novice customers. A normal customer who does not know anything. They simply CRY CRY. and left with LOSS due to Flipkart Fraud
Another story of Flipkart and WS Retail is, in reality they are also promoting unemployment in India. As All business are taken by them by making Indians FOOL with the name of discount and offers. But, in reality this kind of FRAUD going ON With in India.
Discourage Flipkart Big Billion Day or Any offer or any advertisement. Simply Avoid this and try to use small sellers or local sellers. You will have better experience.
Why should we give chance to this kind of FRAUD companies like Flipkart
A Biggest website first doing fraud and later after knowing about the seriousness of the fraud. Daringly doing fraud.
As per the above fraud issue, they should have provided refund immediately within 5 minutes as we pay in 5 minutes. But, Fraud Flipkart and Fraud WS Retail cheating Indians by taking foreign investment.
Forward this message to everyone you know. And if you are victim of Fraud from Flipkart. Report to consumer department and other responsible departments.