Flip-kart is best and average shopping site. flip-kart site provide best quality product and designer which one running current time. im always purchase product on flipkart site.it is deliver at given under time of duration . flipkart is also provide emergency deliver within 24hr.
I used to be big fan Amazon but lately shifted to flipkart.
customer support I feel I can rate its only 4. but the products are genuine and flipkart on I buy camera lens, the listing showed a carry pouch and hood along with it. however that was not in the pack as the company changed the combo and it was not updated. I called up flipkart and told that, they me to return the product, I said I will not since I have started using the lens, just, send me my renaming items. they told me to buy the same from Nikon store and paid me the MRP on Nikon site which was almost 25%of the product,